

Tack Smart Filter Technology BV
Winterkoning 5
1722 CA Zuid-Scharwoude


Telephone: +31 6 5376 0646
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Chamber of Commerce



Tack Smart Filter Technology BV owns the smart filter patent. The company grants non-exclusive rights and exclusive rights in specific fields of use to its filter communication technology. TackSmart has to date entered into agreements representing an aggregate value of up to $ 30 million.

Expert team

In 1998 TackSmart acquired the right to grant worldwide licenses to the filtration, extraction and separation industry for the full term of the smart filter patent. The company is formed by a team of technology and intellectual property specialists. The inventor of the filter communication system, Mr. D.J.M. den Dekker entrusted this group of experts with the global exclusive right to negotiate licenses. TackSmart has since finalized several exclusive and non-exclusive contracts.

Value-adding technology

The smart filter patent defines communication possibilities of a filter and its operational application. The technology allows a normal filter to be transformed into an intelligent one. Application of the smart filter in e.g. biopharmaceutical, laboratories, food and beverage, air filtration and healthcare industries have proven to be value-adding.

One example is Millipore. This company provides technologies, tools, and services for laboratories, bioscience research and biopharmaceutical manufacturing. Under the terms of the license agreement with TackSmart, Millipore and its customers use RFID technology in filters and filtration apparatus for a.o. ultra-pure water.

Close cooperation

TackSmart’s specialists are open to discuss the infinite application possibilities of the smart filter patent. We advise on fields of use, and out-license exclusive or non-exclusive rights.

Based on your company-specific data and the market that you are in, Tack Smart Filter Technology BV develops a license proposal. For the purpose of achieving mutual benefit, TackSmart prefers to work in close cooperation with its potential licensees from day one.